Module tfhelper.tensorboard.tensorboard

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import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import io
from tensorboard import program
import datetime
import time
import os
import glob

class ConfuseCallback(tf.keras.callbacks.Callback):
    Generate Confusion Matrix and write an image to TensorBoard
    def __init__(self, x_test, y_test, file_writer, dataset=None, class_names=None, figure_size=(12, 10), batch_size=32):
            x_test (np.ndarray): (n data, data dimension(Ex. 32x32x3 or 600x30 ..., etc). If None is given, dataset must be provided.
            y_test (np.ndarray): (n data, ). If None is given, dataset must be provided.
            file_writer (tf.summary.SummaryWriter): TensorBoard File Writer
            dataset (tf.keras.dataset.Dataset): If dataset is given, x_test and y_test is ignored. Default: None.
            class_names (list of str): Names of class. If None, default names are set to (Class01, Class02 ...). Default: None.
            figure_size (tuple): Figure size of confusion matrix. Default: (12, 10).
            batch_size (int): Batch size to predict x_test. If dataset is given, batch_size is ignored and batch size set in dataset is used.
        super(ConfuseCallback, self).__init__()
        self.dataset = dataset
        self.x_test = x_test
        self.y_test = y_test

        if self.y_test is None and self.dataset is not None:
            self.y_test = []
            for i, xy in self.dataset.enumerate():
                y = xy[1].numpy()
                self.y_test = np.concatenate([self.y_test, y])
            self.y_test = self.y_test.astype(np.int32)

        self.y_test = self.y_test if len(self.y_test.shape) == 1 else np.argmax(self.y_test, axis=1)

        self.file_writer = file_writer
        self.figure_size = figure_size
        self.label_names = class_names
        self.batch_size = batch_size

        if self.label_names is None and self.y_test is not None:
            self.label_names = ["Class {:02d}".format(unique_label) for unique_label in np.unique(self.y_test)]

    def get_precision_recall_plot(self, con_mat):
        Generate Precision and Recall plot bar plot image
            con_mat (np.ndarray): Confusion Matrix array

            tf.TensorArray: Precision and Recall Bar Plot Image
            np.ndarray: Precisions
            np.ndarray: Recalls
        precisions = np.array([0] * len(self.label_names)).astype('float32')
        recalls = np.array([0] * len(self.label_names)).astype('float32')

        for i in range(con_mat.shape[0]):
            tp = con_mat[i, i]
            fn = (con_mat[i, :].sum() - tp)

            fp = (con_mat[:, i].sum() - tp)
            tn = (con_mat.diagonal().sum() - tp)

            # tpr = tp / np.sum(self.test_labels[()] == i)
            # fnr = fn / np.sum(self.test_labels[()] == i)
            # fpr = fp / np.sum(self.test_labels[()] != i)
            # tnr = tn / np.sum(self.test_labels[()] != i)

            precisions[i] = max(0, tp / (tp + fp))
            recalls[i] = max(0, tp / (tp + fn))

        df = pd.DataFrame((self.label_names, precisions, recalls)).T
        df.columns = ["Class", "Precision", "Recall"]
        df = pd.melt(df, id_vars="Class", var_name="Type", value_name="Value")

        figure = plt.figure(figsize=self.figure_size)
        sns.barplot(y='Class', x='Value', hue='Type', data=df)

        buf = io.BytesIO()
        plt.savefig(buf, format='png')

        image = tf.image.decode_png(buf.getvalue(), channels=4)
        image = tf.expand_dims(image, 0)

        return image, precisions, recalls

    def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
        if self.dataset is None and (self.x_test is None or self.y_test is None):

            if self.dataset is None:
                test_pred = []
                for b in range(0, self.x_test.shape[0], self.batch_size):
                    x_feed = self.x_test[b:b+self.batch_size]
                    pred = self.model.predict(x_feed)
                    pred = np.argmax(pred, axis=1)
                    test_pred = np.concatenate([test_pred, pred])
                test_pred = self.model.predict(self.dataset)
                test_pred = np.argmax(test_pred, axis=1)

            accuracy = np.sum(test_pred == self.y_test) / self.y_test.shape[0]

            con_mat = tf.math.confusion_matrix(labels=self.y_test, predictions=test_pred).numpy()
            con_mat_norm = np.around(con_mat.astype('float') / con_mat.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis], decimals=2)

            con_mat_df = pd.DataFrame(con_mat_norm,

            precision_recall_image, precisions, recalls = self.get_precision_recall_plot(con_mat)

            figure = plt.figure(figsize=self.figure_size)
            sns.heatmap(con_mat_df, annot=True,
            plt.ylabel('True label')
            plt.xlabel('Predicted label')
            plt.title("Accuracy : {:.2f}%, Precision : {:.2f}%, Recall : {:.2f}%".format(accuracy*100, precisions.mean()*100, recalls.mean()*100))


            buf = io.BytesIO()
            plt.savefig(buf, format='png')

            image = tf.image.decode_png(buf.getvalue(), channels=4)

            image = tf.expand_dims(image, 0)

            # Log the confusion matrix as an image summary.
            with self.file_writer.as_default():
                tf.summary.image("Confusion Matrix", image, step=epoch)
                tf.summary.image("Precision and Recall", precision_recall_image, step=epoch)
        except Exception as e:

class ModelSaverCallback(tf.keras.callbacks.Callback):
    Saves Model at each end of the epoch when the best accuracy/loss is presented.
    def __init__(self, best_metric=float('inf'), save_root="./", save_metric='val_loss', enable=True, epoch=0):

            best_metric (float): Set best score of previous training session if resuming.
            save_root (str): Model save path
            save_metric (str): One of 'val_loss', 'val_accuracy'
            enable (bool): Set previous epoch number if resuming
            epoch (int): Epoch number
        super(ModelSaverCallback, self).__init__()
        self.best_metric = best_metric
        if self.best_metric == float('inf') and save_metric.find("accuracy") > 0:
            self.best_metric = -self.best_metric

        self.epoch = epoch
        self.save_root = save_root
        self.enable = enable
        self.save_metric = save_metric

    def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
            epoch += self.epoch
            a = logs[self.save_metric]
            b = self.best_metric

            if self.save_metric.find("accuracy") > 0:
                a, b = b, a

            if a < b:
                p_file_list = glob.glob("{}/*.h5".format(self.save_root))
                p_file_list = sorted(p_file_list, key=lambda x: x[-10:])
                if self.save_metric.find("accuracy") < 0:
                    p_file_list = p_file_list[::-1]

                for i, file_path in enumerate(p_file_list):
                    if i+1 == len(p_file_list):
                        print("Error while deleting file : {}".format(file_path))

                file_name = '{}/my_model_weight_{:04d}_{}_{:03.2f}.h5'.format(self.save_root, epoch, self.save_metric, logs[self.save_metric])
                print("\nBest score! saving the model to {} ...".format(file_name))
                self.best_metric = logs[self.save_metric]

                if self.enable:
        except Exception as e:

class SparsityCallback(tf.keras.callbacks.Callback):
    Computes the sparsity on each layer of the given model and saves bar plot image to the TensorBoard.
    def __init__(self, file_writer, sparsity_threshold=0.05, figure_size=(12, 20)):

            file_writer (tf.summary.SummaryWriter): TensorBoard File Writer
            sparsity_threshold (float): Sparsity Threshold of each layer.
                                        Ex) 0.05 -> Find the number of weights where -0.05 < values < 0.05 in a layer.
                                        Percentage of the number if set to the sparsity of the layer.
            figure_size (tuple): Figure size to generate plot image
        super(SparsityCallback, self).__init__()

        self.file_writer = file_writer
        self.sparsity_threshold = sparsity_threshold
        self.figure_size = list(figure_size)

    def get_sparsity_plot(self, sparse_levels, sparse_layer_names):
        Generate sparsity plot image

            sparse_levels (np.ndarray): Sparse levels for the layer
            sparse_layer_names (list of str, np.ndarray): Names of layer along with sparse_levels list


        width = 0.8

        n_data = sparse_levels.shape[0]
        self.figure_size[1] = 0.25 * n_data

        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=self.figure_size)
        ax.barh(sparse_layer_names, sparse_levels, width)

        for i, v in enumerate(sparse_levels):
            ax.text(v + 0.005, i - .15, f"{v * 100:.2f}%", color='k', fontweight='bold')

        ax.set_title(f"Sparsity Threshold: {self.sparsity_threshold}, Mean Sparsity: {sparse_levels.mean()*100:.2f}%")
        ax.set_xlim(0.0, 1.0)

        buf = io.BytesIO()
        fig.savefig(buf, format='png')

        image = tf.image.decode_png(buf.getvalue(), channels=4)
        image = tf.expand_dims(image, 0)

        return image

    def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
        sparsities = self.compute_sparsity()
        layer_names = [ for layer in self.model.layers]

        sparse_levels = []
        sparse_layer_names = []

        for i, (sparsity, layer_name) in enumerate(zip(sparsities, layer_names)):
            if np.isnan(sparsity):
            sparse_levels = np.concatenate([sparse_levels, [sparsity]])
            sparse_layer_names = np.concatenate([sparse_layer_names, [f"{i:03d}: {layer_name}"]])

            sparsity_image = self.get_sparsity_plot(sparse_levels, sparse_layer_names)

            with self.file_writer.as_default():
                tf.summary.image("Sparsity Levels of Each Layer", sparsity_image, step=epoch)
        except Exception as e:

    def compute_sparsity(self):
        sparsities = np.zeros(len(self.model.layers))

        for i in range(sparsities.shape[0]):
            if len(self.model.layers[i].weights) < 1:
                sparsities[i] = np.nan

            sparse_index = np.argwhere(
                np.logical_and(self.model.layers[i].weights[0].numpy().flatten() < self.sparsity_threshold,
                               self.model.layers[i].weights[0].numpy().flatten() > -self.sparsity_threshold))

            sparsities[i] = sparse_index.shape[0] /[i].weights[0].shape)

        return sparsities

def run_tensorboard(path, host='', port=6006):
    Run TensorBoard in python script.
        path (str): TensorBoard log dir
        host(str): Host address for TensorBoard.
           -> localhost.
           -> Allow remote connection.
        port (int): Port number for TensorBoard

    tb = program.TensorBoard()
    tb.configure(argv=[None, '--logdir', path, '--host', host, '--port', f"{port:}"])
    url = tb.launch()

    print("Running tensorboard on {}".format(url))

    return url

def wait_ctrl_c(pre_msg="Press Ctrl+c to quit Tensorboard", post_msg="\nExit."):
    Wait until ctrl+c is pressed. This function is to prevent quitting python process when the training is completed when TensorBoard is running.
        pre_msg: Message prior to wait ctrl+c
        post_msg: Message post to ctrl+c pressed

        while True:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

def get_tf_callbacks(root,
                     tboard_callback=True, tboard_update_freq='epoch', tboard_histogram_freq=1, tboard_profile_batch=0,
                     confuse_callback=True, label_info=None, x_test=None, y_test=None, test_generator_=None, test_dataset=None, figure_size=(12, 10),
                     modelsaver_callback=False, best_loss=float('inf'), save_root=None, best_epoch=0, save_metric='val_loss',
                     earlystop_callback=True, earlystop_monitor='val_loss', earlystop_patience=0, earlystop_restore_weights=True,
                     sparsity_callback=False, sparsity_threshold=0.05):
    Getting TensorFlow callbacks function for convenience purpose.
        root (str): Root directory for TensorBoard
        tboard_callback (bool): Whether using TensorBoard or not. Default: True
        tboard_update_freq (str): TensorBoard update frequency. ('epoch', 'batch'). Default: 'epoch'
        tboard_histogram_freq (int): TensorBoard histogram update frequency. Default: 1
        tboard_profile_batch (int): TensorBoard profile timing. If 0 is given, profiling is not used.
                                Ex) If 10 is given, profiling is executed at batch of 10. Default: 0
        confuse_callback (bool): Whether using confusion matrix for TensorBoard callback or not.
                          At least one of the following three ((x_test, y_test), test_generator_, test_dataset) must be set.
                          Otherwise, Confusion Matrix callback will be ignored.
                          Default: True.
        label_info (list of str): Names of class. If None, default names are set to (Class01, Class02 ...). Default: None.
        x_test (np.ndarray, None): (n data, data dimension(Ex. 32x32x3 or 600x30 ..., etc). If None is given, dataset must be provided.
        y_test (np.ndarray, None): (n data, ). If None is given, dataset must be provided.
        test_generator_ (tfhelper.dataset.HDF5Generator, None): Default: None. For HDF5Generator test set purpose.
        test_dataset (tf.dataset.Dataset, None): Default: None.
        figure_size (tuple): Figure Size of Confusion Matrix.
        modelsaver_callback (bool): Whether using ModelSaver callback or not. Saving the model file when the lowest validation loss is given per each epochs.
                                        Default: False.
        best_loss (float): Set best score of previous training session if resuming.
        save_root (str): Model save path
        best_epoch (int): Previous Best epoch number if resuming
        save_metric (str): One of 'val_loss', 'val_accuracy'
        earlystop_callbac (bool): Early Stop callback
        earlystop_monitor (str): Earlys top_monitor metric 'val_loss', 'val_accuracy'
        earlystop_patience (int): Early stop patience
        earlystop_restore_weights (bool): Restore weights on early stop.
        sparsity_callback (bool): Sparsity callback.
        sparsity_threshold (float): Sparsity Threshold of each layer.
                            Ex) 0.05 -> Find the number of weights where -0.05 < values < 0.05 in a layer.
                            Percentage of the number if set to the sparsity of the layer.

        list of tf.keras.callbacks.Callback: Callback List
        str: Tensor Board Log Root Directory

    postfix ="%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
    log_root_ = "{}{}/".format(root, postfix)

    callbacks_ = []

    if tboard_callback:

    if confuse_callback:
        file_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer("{}/cm".format(log_root_, postfix))

        x_test =['test_data'] if test_generator_ is not None else x_test
        y_test =['test_label'] if test_generator_ is not None else y_test

        if x_test is not None and y_test is not None:
            callbacks_.append(ConfuseCallback(x_test, y_test, file_writer, class_names=label_info,
        elif test_dataset is not None:
            callbacks_.append(ConfuseCallback(None, None, file_writer, dataset=test_dataset, class_names=label_info,

    if modelsaver_callback:
        if not save_root:
            save_root = log_root_
            ModelSaverCallback(best_metric=best_loss, save_root=save_root, epoch=best_epoch, save_metric=save_metric)

    if earlystop_callback:
        callbacks_.append(tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor=earlystop_monitor, patience=earlystop_patience,

    if sparsity_callback:
        file_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer("{}/sparsity".format(log_root_, postfix))

            SparsityCallback(file_writer, sparsity_threshold=sparsity_threshold)

    return callbacks_, log_root_


def get_tf_callbacks(root, tboard_callback=True, tboard_update_freq='epoch', tboard_histogram_freq=1, tboard_profile_batch=0, confuse_callback=True, label_info=None, x_test=None, y_test=None, test_generator_=None, test_dataset=None, figure_size=(12, 10), modelsaver_callback=False, best_loss=inf, save_root=None, best_epoch=0, save_metric='val_loss', earlystop_callback=True, earlystop_monitor='val_loss', earlystop_patience=0, earlystop_restore_weights=True, sparsity_callback=False, sparsity_threshold=0.05)

Getting TensorFlow callbacks function for convenience purpose.


root : str
Root directory for TensorBoard
tboard_callback : bool
Whether using TensorBoard or not. Default: True
tboard_update_freq : str
TensorBoard update frequency. ('epoch', 'batch'). Default: 'epoch'
tboard_histogram_freq : int
TensorBoard histogram update frequency. Default: 1
tboard_profile_batch : int
TensorBoard profile timing. If 0 is given, profiling is not used. Ex) If 10 is given, profiling is executed at batch of 10. Default: 0
confuse_callback : bool
Whether using confusion matrix for TensorBoard callback or not. At least one of the following three ((x_test, y_test), test_generator_, test_dataset) must be set. Otherwise, Confusion Matrix callback will be ignored. Default: True.
label_info : list of str
Names of class. If None, default names are set to (Class01, Class02 …). Default: None.
x_test : np.ndarray, None
(n data, data dimension(Ex. 32x32x3 or 600x30 …, etc). If None is given, dataset must be provided.
y_test : np.ndarray, None
(n data, ). If None is given, dataset must be provided.
test_generator_ : tfhelper.dataset.HDF5Generator, None
Default: None. For HDF5Generator test set purpose.
test_dataset : tf.dataset.Dataset, None
Default: None.
figure_size : tuple
Figure Size of Confusion Matrix.
modelsaver_callback : bool
Whether using ModelSaver callback or not. Saving the model file when the lowest validation loss is given per each epochs. Default: False.
best_loss : float
Set best score of previous training session if resuming.
save_root : str
Model save path
best_epoch : int
Previous Best epoch number if resuming
save_metric : str
One of 'val_loss', 'val_accuracy'
earlystop_callbac : bool
Early Stop callback
earlystop_monitor : str
Earlys top_monitor metric 'val_loss', 'val_accuracy'
earlystop_patience : int
Early stop patience
earlystop_restore_weights : bool
Restore weights on early stop.
sparsity_callback : bool
Sparsity callback.
sparsity_threshold : float
Sparsity Threshold of each layer. Ex) 0.05 -> Find the number of weights where -0.05 < values < 0.05 in a layer. Percentage of the number if set to the sparsity of the layer.


list of tf.keras.callbacks.Callback
Callback List
Tensor Board Log Root Directory
Expand source code
def get_tf_callbacks(root,
                     tboard_callback=True, tboard_update_freq='epoch', tboard_histogram_freq=1, tboard_profile_batch=0,
                     confuse_callback=True, label_info=None, x_test=None, y_test=None, test_generator_=None, test_dataset=None, figure_size=(12, 10),
                     modelsaver_callback=False, best_loss=float('inf'), save_root=None, best_epoch=0, save_metric='val_loss',
                     earlystop_callback=True, earlystop_monitor='val_loss', earlystop_patience=0, earlystop_restore_weights=True,
                     sparsity_callback=False, sparsity_threshold=0.05):
    Getting TensorFlow callbacks function for convenience purpose.
        root (str): Root directory for TensorBoard
        tboard_callback (bool): Whether using TensorBoard or not. Default: True
        tboard_update_freq (str): TensorBoard update frequency. ('epoch', 'batch'). Default: 'epoch'
        tboard_histogram_freq (int): TensorBoard histogram update frequency. Default: 1
        tboard_profile_batch (int): TensorBoard profile timing. If 0 is given, profiling is not used.
                                Ex) If 10 is given, profiling is executed at batch of 10. Default: 0
        confuse_callback (bool): Whether using confusion matrix for TensorBoard callback or not.
                          At least one of the following three ((x_test, y_test), test_generator_, test_dataset) must be set.
                          Otherwise, Confusion Matrix callback will be ignored.
                          Default: True.
        label_info (list of str): Names of class. If None, default names are set to (Class01, Class02 ...). Default: None.
        x_test (np.ndarray, None): (n data, data dimension(Ex. 32x32x3 or 600x30 ..., etc). If None is given, dataset must be provided.
        y_test (np.ndarray, None): (n data, ). If None is given, dataset must be provided.
        test_generator_ (tfhelper.dataset.HDF5Generator, None): Default: None. For HDF5Generator test set purpose.
        test_dataset (tf.dataset.Dataset, None): Default: None.
        figure_size (tuple): Figure Size of Confusion Matrix.
        modelsaver_callback (bool): Whether using ModelSaver callback or not. Saving the model file when the lowest validation loss is given per each epochs.
                                        Default: False.
        best_loss (float): Set best score of previous training session if resuming.
        save_root (str): Model save path
        best_epoch (int): Previous Best epoch number if resuming
        save_metric (str): One of 'val_loss', 'val_accuracy'
        earlystop_callbac (bool): Early Stop callback
        earlystop_monitor (str): Earlys top_monitor metric 'val_loss', 'val_accuracy'
        earlystop_patience (int): Early stop patience
        earlystop_restore_weights (bool): Restore weights on early stop.
        sparsity_callback (bool): Sparsity callback.
        sparsity_threshold (float): Sparsity Threshold of each layer.
                            Ex) 0.05 -> Find the number of weights where -0.05 < values < 0.05 in a layer.
                            Percentage of the number if set to the sparsity of the layer.

        list of tf.keras.callbacks.Callback: Callback List
        str: Tensor Board Log Root Directory

    postfix ="%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
    log_root_ = "{}{}/".format(root, postfix)

    callbacks_ = []

    if tboard_callback:

    if confuse_callback:
        file_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer("{}/cm".format(log_root_, postfix))

        x_test =['test_data'] if test_generator_ is not None else x_test
        y_test =['test_label'] if test_generator_ is not None else y_test

        if x_test is not None and y_test is not None:
            callbacks_.append(ConfuseCallback(x_test, y_test, file_writer, class_names=label_info,
        elif test_dataset is not None:
            callbacks_.append(ConfuseCallback(None, None, file_writer, dataset=test_dataset, class_names=label_info,

    if modelsaver_callback:
        if not save_root:
            save_root = log_root_
            ModelSaverCallback(best_metric=best_loss, save_root=save_root, epoch=best_epoch, save_metric=save_metric)

    if earlystop_callback:
        callbacks_.append(tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor=earlystop_monitor, patience=earlystop_patience,

    if sparsity_callback:
        file_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer("{}/sparsity".format(log_root_, postfix))

            SparsityCallback(file_writer, sparsity_threshold=sparsity_threshold)

    return callbacks_, log_root_
def run_tensorboard(path, host='', port=6006)

Run TensorBoard in python script.


path : str
TensorBoard log dir
host(str): Host address for TensorBoard. -> localhost. -> Allow remote connection.
port : int
Port number for TensorBoard



Expand source code
def run_tensorboard(path, host='', port=6006):
    Run TensorBoard in python script.
        path (str): TensorBoard log dir
        host(str): Host address for TensorBoard.
           -> localhost.
           -> Allow remote connection.
        port (int): Port number for TensorBoard

    tb = program.TensorBoard()
    tb.configure(argv=[None, '--logdir', path, '--host', host, '--port', f"{port:}"])
    url = tb.launch()

    print("Running tensorboard on {}".format(url))

    return url
def wait_ctrl_c(pre_msg='Press Ctrl+c to quit Tensorboard', post_msg='\nExit.')

Wait until ctrl+c is pressed. This function is to prevent quitting python process when the training is completed when TensorBoard is running.


Message prior to wait ctrl+c
Message post to ctrl+c pressed



Expand source code
def wait_ctrl_c(pre_msg="Press Ctrl+c to quit Tensorboard", post_msg="\nExit."):
    Wait until ctrl+c is pressed. This function is to prevent quitting python process when the training is completed when TensorBoard is running.
        pre_msg: Message prior to wait ctrl+c
        post_msg: Message post to ctrl+c pressed

        while True:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:


class ConfuseCallback (x_test, y_test, file_writer, dataset=None, class_names=None, figure_size=(12, 10), batch_size=32)

Generate Confusion Matrix and write an image to TensorBoard


x_test : np.ndarray
(n data, data dimension(Ex. 32x32x3 or 600x30 …, etc). If None is given, dataset must be provided.
y_test : np.ndarray
(n data, ). If None is given, dataset must be provided.
file_writer : tf.summary.SummaryWriter
TensorBoard File Writer
dataset : tf.keras.dataset.Dataset
If dataset is given, x_test and y_test is ignored. Default: None.
class_names : list of str
Names of class. If None, default names are set to (Class01, Class02 …). Default: None.
figure_size : tuple
Figure size of confusion matrix. Default: (12, 10).
batch_size : int
Batch size to predict x_test. If dataset is given, batch_size is ignored and batch size set in dataset is used.
Expand source code
class ConfuseCallback(tf.keras.callbacks.Callback):
    Generate Confusion Matrix and write an image to TensorBoard
    def __init__(self, x_test, y_test, file_writer, dataset=None, class_names=None, figure_size=(12, 10), batch_size=32):
            x_test (np.ndarray): (n data, data dimension(Ex. 32x32x3 or 600x30 ..., etc). If None is given, dataset must be provided.
            y_test (np.ndarray): (n data, ). If None is given, dataset must be provided.
            file_writer (tf.summary.SummaryWriter): TensorBoard File Writer
            dataset (tf.keras.dataset.Dataset): If dataset is given, x_test and y_test is ignored. Default: None.
            class_names (list of str): Names of class. If None, default names are set to (Class01, Class02 ...). Default: None.
            figure_size (tuple): Figure size of confusion matrix. Default: (12, 10).
            batch_size (int): Batch size to predict x_test. If dataset is given, batch_size is ignored and batch size set in dataset is used.
        super(ConfuseCallback, self).__init__()
        self.dataset = dataset
        self.x_test = x_test
        self.y_test = y_test

        if self.y_test is None and self.dataset is not None:
            self.y_test = []
            for i, xy in self.dataset.enumerate():
                y = xy[1].numpy()
                self.y_test = np.concatenate([self.y_test, y])
            self.y_test = self.y_test.astype(np.int32)

        self.y_test = self.y_test if len(self.y_test.shape) == 1 else np.argmax(self.y_test, axis=1)

        self.file_writer = file_writer
        self.figure_size = figure_size
        self.label_names = class_names
        self.batch_size = batch_size

        if self.label_names is None and self.y_test is not None:
            self.label_names = ["Class {:02d}".format(unique_label) for unique_label in np.unique(self.y_test)]

    def get_precision_recall_plot(self, con_mat):
        Generate Precision and Recall plot bar plot image
            con_mat (np.ndarray): Confusion Matrix array

            tf.TensorArray: Precision and Recall Bar Plot Image
            np.ndarray: Precisions
            np.ndarray: Recalls
        precisions = np.array([0] * len(self.label_names)).astype('float32')
        recalls = np.array([0] * len(self.label_names)).astype('float32')

        for i in range(con_mat.shape[0]):
            tp = con_mat[i, i]
            fn = (con_mat[i, :].sum() - tp)

            fp = (con_mat[:, i].sum() - tp)
            tn = (con_mat.diagonal().sum() - tp)

            # tpr = tp / np.sum(self.test_labels[()] == i)
            # fnr = fn / np.sum(self.test_labels[()] == i)
            # fpr = fp / np.sum(self.test_labels[()] != i)
            # tnr = tn / np.sum(self.test_labels[()] != i)

            precisions[i] = max(0, tp / (tp + fp))
            recalls[i] = max(0, tp / (tp + fn))

        df = pd.DataFrame((self.label_names, precisions, recalls)).T
        df.columns = ["Class", "Precision", "Recall"]
        df = pd.melt(df, id_vars="Class", var_name="Type", value_name="Value")

        figure = plt.figure(figsize=self.figure_size)
        sns.barplot(y='Class', x='Value', hue='Type', data=df)

        buf = io.BytesIO()
        plt.savefig(buf, format='png')

        image = tf.image.decode_png(buf.getvalue(), channels=4)
        image = tf.expand_dims(image, 0)

        return image, precisions, recalls

    def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
        if self.dataset is None and (self.x_test is None or self.y_test is None):

            if self.dataset is None:
                test_pred = []
                for b in range(0, self.x_test.shape[0], self.batch_size):
                    x_feed = self.x_test[b:b+self.batch_size]
                    pred = self.model.predict(x_feed)
                    pred = np.argmax(pred, axis=1)
                    test_pred = np.concatenate([test_pred, pred])
                test_pred = self.model.predict(self.dataset)
                test_pred = np.argmax(test_pred, axis=1)

            accuracy = np.sum(test_pred == self.y_test) / self.y_test.shape[0]

            con_mat = tf.math.confusion_matrix(labels=self.y_test, predictions=test_pred).numpy()
            con_mat_norm = np.around(con_mat.astype('float') / con_mat.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis], decimals=2)

            con_mat_df = pd.DataFrame(con_mat_norm,

            precision_recall_image, precisions, recalls = self.get_precision_recall_plot(con_mat)

            figure = plt.figure(figsize=self.figure_size)
            sns.heatmap(con_mat_df, annot=True,
            plt.ylabel('True label')
            plt.xlabel('Predicted label')
            plt.title("Accuracy : {:.2f}%, Precision : {:.2f}%, Recall : {:.2f}%".format(accuracy*100, precisions.mean()*100, recalls.mean()*100))


            buf = io.BytesIO()
            plt.savefig(buf, format='png')

            image = tf.image.decode_png(buf.getvalue(), channels=4)

            image = tf.expand_dims(image, 0)

            # Log the confusion matrix as an image summary.
            with self.file_writer.as_default():
                tf.summary.image("Confusion Matrix", image, step=epoch)
                tf.summary.image("Precision and Recall", precision_recall_image, step=epoch)
        except Exception as e:


  • tensorflow.python.keras.callbacks.Callback


def get_precision_recall_plot(self, con_mat)

Generate Precision and Recall plot bar plot image


con_mat : np.ndarray
Confusion Matrix array


Precision and Recall Bar Plot Image
Expand source code
def get_precision_recall_plot(self, con_mat):
    Generate Precision and Recall plot bar plot image
        con_mat (np.ndarray): Confusion Matrix array

        tf.TensorArray: Precision and Recall Bar Plot Image
        np.ndarray: Precisions
        np.ndarray: Recalls
    precisions = np.array([0] * len(self.label_names)).astype('float32')
    recalls = np.array([0] * len(self.label_names)).astype('float32')

    for i in range(con_mat.shape[0]):
        tp = con_mat[i, i]
        fn = (con_mat[i, :].sum() - tp)

        fp = (con_mat[:, i].sum() - tp)
        tn = (con_mat.diagonal().sum() - tp)

        # tpr = tp / np.sum(self.test_labels[()] == i)
        # fnr = fn / np.sum(self.test_labels[()] == i)
        # fpr = fp / np.sum(self.test_labels[()] != i)
        # tnr = tn / np.sum(self.test_labels[()] != i)

        precisions[i] = max(0, tp / (tp + fp))
        recalls[i] = max(0, tp / (tp + fn))

    df = pd.DataFrame((self.label_names, precisions, recalls)).T
    df.columns = ["Class", "Precision", "Recall"]
    df = pd.melt(df, id_vars="Class", var_name="Type", value_name="Value")

    figure = plt.figure(figsize=self.figure_size)
    sns.barplot(y='Class', x='Value', hue='Type', data=df)

    buf = io.BytesIO()
    plt.savefig(buf, format='png')

    image = tf.image.decode_png(buf.getvalue(), channels=4)
    image = tf.expand_dims(image, 0)

    return image, precisions, recalls
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None)

Called at the end of an epoch.

Subclasses should override for any actions to run. This function should only be called during TRAIN mode.


epoch: integer, index of epoch. logs: dict, metric results for this training epoch, and for the validation epoch if validation is performed. Validation result keys are prefixed with val_.

Expand source code
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
    if self.dataset is None and (self.x_test is None or self.y_test is None):

        if self.dataset is None:
            test_pred = []
            for b in range(0, self.x_test.shape[0], self.batch_size):
                x_feed = self.x_test[b:b+self.batch_size]
                pred = self.model.predict(x_feed)
                pred = np.argmax(pred, axis=1)
                test_pred = np.concatenate([test_pred, pred])
            test_pred = self.model.predict(self.dataset)
            test_pred = np.argmax(test_pred, axis=1)

        accuracy = np.sum(test_pred == self.y_test) / self.y_test.shape[0]

        con_mat = tf.math.confusion_matrix(labels=self.y_test, predictions=test_pred).numpy()
        con_mat_norm = np.around(con_mat.astype('float') / con_mat.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis], decimals=2)

        con_mat_df = pd.DataFrame(con_mat_norm,

        precision_recall_image, precisions, recalls = self.get_precision_recall_plot(con_mat)

        figure = plt.figure(figsize=self.figure_size)
        sns.heatmap(con_mat_df, annot=True,
        plt.ylabel('True label')
        plt.xlabel('Predicted label')
        plt.title("Accuracy : {:.2f}%, Precision : {:.2f}%, Recall : {:.2f}%".format(accuracy*100, precisions.mean()*100, recalls.mean()*100))


        buf = io.BytesIO()
        plt.savefig(buf, format='png')

        image = tf.image.decode_png(buf.getvalue(), channels=4)

        image = tf.expand_dims(image, 0)

        # Log the confusion matrix as an image summary.
        with self.file_writer.as_default():
            tf.summary.image("Confusion Matrix", image, step=epoch)
            tf.summary.image("Precision and Recall", precision_recall_image, step=epoch)
    except Exception as e:
class ModelSaverCallback (best_metric=inf, save_root='./', save_metric='val_loss', enable=True, epoch=0)

Saves Model at each end of the epoch when the best accuracy/loss is presented.


best_metric : float
Set best score of previous training session if resuming.
save_root : str
Model save path
save_metric : str
One of 'val_loss', 'val_accuracy'
enable : bool
Set previous epoch number if resuming
epoch : int
Epoch number
Expand source code
class ModelSaverCallback(tf.keras.callbacks.Callback):
    Saves Model at each end of the epoch when the best accuracy/loss is presented.
    def __init__(self, best_metric=float('inf'), save_root="./", save_metric='val_loss', enable=True, epoch=0):

            best_metric (float): Set best score of previous training session if resuming.
            save_root (str): Model save path
            save_metric (str): One of 'val_loss', 'val_accuracy'
            enable (bool): Set previous epoch number if resuming
            epoch (int): Epoch number
        super(ModelSaverCallback, self).__init__()
        self.best_metric = best_metric
        if self.best_metric == float('inf') and save_metric.find("accuracy") > 0:
            self.best_metric = -self.best_metric

        self.epoch = epoch
        self.save_root = save_root
        self.enable = enable
        self.save_metric = save_metric

    def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
            epoch += self.epoch
            a = logs[self.save_metric]
            b = self.best_metric

            if self.save_metric.find("accuracy") > 0:
                a, b = b, a

            if a < b:
                p_file_list = glob.glob("{}/*.h5".format(self.save_root))
                p_file_list = sorted(p_file_list, key=lambda x: x[-10:])
                if self.save_metric.find("accuracy") < 0:
                    p_file_list = p_file_list[::-1]

                for i, file_path in enumerate(p_file_list):
                    if i+1 == len(p_file_list):
                        print("Error while deleting file : {}".format(file_path))

                file_name = '{}/my_model_weight_{:04d}_{}_{:03.2f}.h5'.format(self.save_root, epoch, self.save_metric, logs[self.save_metric])
                print("\nBest score! saving the model to {} ...".format(file_name))
                self.best_metric = logs[self.save_metric]

                if self.enable:
        except Exception as e:


  • tensorflow.python.keras.callbacks.Callback


def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None)

Called at the end of an epoch.

Subclasses should override for any actions to run. This function should only be called during TRAIN mode.


epoch: integer, index of epoch. logs: dict, metric results for this training epoch, and for the validation epoch if validation is performed. Validation result keys are prefixed with val_.

Expand source code
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
        epoch += self.epoch
        a = logs[self.save_metric]
        b = self.best_metric

        if self.save_metric.find("accuracy") > 0:
            a, b = b, a

        if a < b:
            p_file_list = glob.glob("{}/*.h5".format(self.save_root))
            p_file_list = sorted(p_file_list, key=lambda x: x[-10:])
            if self.save_metric.find("accuracy") < 0:
                p_file_list = p_file_list[::-1]

            for i, file_path in enumerate(p_file_list):
                if i+1 == len(p_file_list):
                    print("Error while deleting file : {}".format(file_path))

            file_name = '{}/my_model_weight_{:04d}_{}_{:03.2f}.h5'.format(self.save_root, epoch, self.save_metric, logs[self.save_metric])
            print("\nBest score! saving the model to {} ...".format(file_name))
            self.best_metric = logs[self.save_metric]

            if self.enable:
    except Exception as e:
class SparsityCallback (file_writer, sparsity_threshold=0.05, figure_size=(12, 20))

Computes the sparsity on each layer of the given model and saves bar plot image to the TensorBoard.


file_writer : tf.summary.SummaryWriter
TensorBoard File Writer
sparsity_threshold : float
Sparsity Threshold of each layer. Ex) 0.05 -> Find the number of weights where -0.05 < values < 0.05 in a layer. Percentage of the number if set to the sparsity of the layer.
figure_size : tuple
Figure size to generate plot image
Expand source code
class SparsityCallback(tf.keras.callbacks.Callback):
    Computes the sparsity on each layer of the given model and saves bar plot image to the TensorBoard.
    def __init__(self, file_writer, sparsity_threshold=0.05, figure_size=(12, 20)):

            file_writer (tf.summary.SummaryWriter): TensorBoard File Writer
            sparsity_threshold (float): Sparsity Threshold of each layer.
                                        Ex) 0.05 -> Find the number of weights where -0.05 < values < 0.05 in a layer.
                                        Percentage of the number if set to the sparsity of the layer.
            figure_size (tuple): Figure size to generate plot image
        super(SparsityCallback, self).__init__()

        self.file_writer = file_writer
        self.sparsity_threshold = sparsity_threshold
        self.figure_size = list(figure_size)

    def get_sparsity_plot(self, sparse_levels, sparse_layer_names):
        Generate sparsity plot image

            sparse_levels (np.ndarray): Sparse levels for the layer
            sparse_layer_names (list of str, np.ndarray): Names of layer along with sparse_levels list


        width = 0.8

        n_data = sparse_levels.shape[0]
        self.figure_size[1] = 0.25 * n_data

        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=self.figure_size)
        ax.barh(sparse_layer_names, sparse_levels, width)

        for i, v in enumerate(sparse_levels):
            ax.text(v + 0.005, i - .15, f"{v * 100:.2f}%", color='k', fontweight='bold')

        ax.set_title(f"Sparsity Threshold: {self.sparsity_threshold}, Mean Sparsity: {sparse_levels.mean()*100:.2f}%")
        ax.set_xlim(0.0, 1.0)

        buf = io.BytesIO()
        fig.savefig(buf, format='png')

        image = tf.image.decode_png(buf.getvalue(), channels=4)
        image = tf.expand_dims(image, 0)

        return image

    def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
        sparsities = self.compute_sparsity()
        layer_names = [ for layer in self.model.layers]

        sparse_levels = []
        sparse_layer_names = []

        for i, (sparsity, layer_name) in enumerate(zip(sparsities, layer_names)):
            if np.isnan(sparsity):
            sparse_levels = np.concatenate([sparse_levels, [sparsity]])
            sparse_layer_names = np.concatenate([sparse_layer_names, [f"{i:03d}: {layer_name}"]])

            sparsity_image = self.get_sparsity_plot(sparse_levels, sparse_layer_names)

            with self.file_writer.as_default():
                tf.summary.image("Sparsity Levels of Each Layer", sparsity_image, step=epoch)
        except Exception as e:

    def compute_sparsity(self):
        sparsities = np.zeros(len(self.model.layers))

        for i in range(sparsities.shape[0]):
            if len(self.model.layers[i].weights) < 1:
                sparsities[i] = np.nan

            sparse_index = np.argwhere(
                np.logical_and(self.model.layers[i].weights[0].numpy().flatten() < self.sparsity_threshold,
                               self.model.layers[i].weights[0].numpy().flatten() > -self.sparsity_threshold))

            sparsities[i] = sparse_index.shape[0] /[i].weights[0].shape)

        return sparsities


  • tensorflow.python.keras.callbacks.Callback


def compute_sparsity(self)
Expand source code
def compute_sparsity(self):
    sparsities = np.zeros(len(self.model.layers))

    for i in range(sparsities.shape[0]):
        if len(self.model.layers[i].weights) < 1:
            sparsities[i] = np.nan

        sparse_index = np.argwhere(
            np.logical_and(self.model.layers[i].weights[0].numpy().flatten() < self.sparsity_threshold,
                           self.model.layers[i].weights[0].numpy().flatten() > -self.sparsity_threshold))

        sparsities[i] = sparse_index.shape[0] /[i].weights[0].shape)

    return sparsities
def get_sparsity_plot(self, sparse_levels, sparse_layer_names)

Generate sparsity plot image


sparse_levels : np.ndarray
Sparse levels for the layer
sparse_layer_names : list of str, np.ndarray
Names of layer along with sparse_levels list


Expand source code
def get_sparsity_plot(self, sparse_levels, sparse_layer_names):
    Generate sparsity plot image

        sparse_levels (np.ndarray): Sparse levels for the layer
        sparse_layer_names (list of str, np.ndarray): Names of layer along with sparse_levels list


    width = 0.8

    n_data = sparse_levels.shape[0]
    self.figure_size[1] = 0.25 * n_data

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=self.figure_size)
    ax.barh(sparse_layer_names, sparse_levels, width)

    for i, v in enumerate(sparse_levels):
        ax.text(v + 0.005, i - .15, f"{v * 100:.2f}%", color='k', fontweight='bold')

    ax.set_title(f"Sparsity Threshold: {self.sparsity_threshold}, Mean Sparsity: {sparse_levels.mean()*100:.2f}%")
    ax.set_xlim(0.0, 1.0)

    buf = io.BytesIO()
    fig.savefig(buf, format='png')

    image = tf.image.decode_png(buf.getvalue(), channels=4)
    image = tf.expand_dims(image, 0)

    return image
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None)

Called at the end of an epoch.

Subclasses should override for any actions to run. This function should only be called during TRAIN mode.


epoch: integer, index of epoch. logs: dict, metric results for this training epoch, and for the validation epoch if validation is performed. Validation result keys are prefixed with val_.

Expand source code
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
    sparsities = self.compute_sparsity()
    layer_names = [ for layer in self.model.layers]

    sparse_levels = []
    sparse_layer_names = []

    for i, (sparsity, layer_name) in enumerate(zip(sparsities, layer_names)):
        if np.isnan(sparsity):
        sparse_levels = np.concatenate([sparse_levels, [sparsity]])
        sparse_layer_names = np.concatenate([sparse_layer_names, [f"{i:03d}: {layer_name}"]])

        sparsity_image = self.get_sparsity_plot(sparse_levels, sparse_layer_names)

        with self.file_writer.as_default():
            tf.summary.image("Sparsity Levels of Each Layer", sparsity_image, step=epoch)
    except Exception as e: