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import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import cv2

def get_cam_image(model_, x, img_size=(28, 28), layer_idx=None):
    Get CAM image from a model and x

        model_ (tf.keras.models.Model): TensorFlow Model
        x (np.ndarray): Test Data
        img_size (tuple): Image size for x
        layer_idx (int): Layer Index to generate CAM.
                         If None, last layer of Conv2D will be chosen.
        np.ndarray: CAM image array

    if layer_idx is None:
        for layer_idx in range(len(model_.layers) - 1, -1, -1):
            if type(model_.layers[layer_idx]) == tf.keras.layers.Conv2D:

    cam_model_ = tf.keras.models.Model(model_.inputs, [model_.layers[layer_idx].output, model_.output])
    conv_out, model_out = cam_model_(x)

    cam_images_ = np.zeros((x.shape[0], img_size[0], img_size[1]))

    for i, outs in enumerate(zip(conv_out, model_out)):
        c_out, m_out = outs
        predict_idx = np.argmax(m_out)
        chosen_weight = model_.layers[-1].weights[0][:, predict_idx]

        cam_img_ = np.zeros(c_out.shape[0:2])

        for j in range(c_out.shape[2]):
            cam_img_ += c_out[:, :, j] * chosen_weight[j]

        cam_images_[i] = cv2.resize(cam_img_.numpy(), img_size)

    return cam_images_


def get_cam_image(model_, x, img_size=(28, 28), layer_idx=None)

Get CAM image from a model and x


model_ : tf.keras.models.Model
TensorFlow Model
x : np.ndarray
Test Data
img_size : tuple
Image size for x
layer_idx : int
Layer Index to generate CAM. If None, last layer of Conv2D will be chosen.


CAM image array
Expand source code
def get_cam_image(model_, x, img_size=(28, 28), layer_idx=None):
    Get CAM image from a model and x

        model_ (tf.keras.models.Model): TensorFlow Model
        x (np.ndarray): Test Data
        img_size (tuple): Image size for x
        layer_idx (int): Layer Index to generate CAM.
                         If None, last layer of Conv2D will be chosen.
        np.ndarray: CAM image array

    if layer_idx is None:
        for layer_idx in range(len(model_.layers) - 1, -1, -1):
            if type(model_.layers[layer_idx]) == tf.keras.layers.Conv2D:

    cam_model_ = tf.keras.models.Model(model_.inputs, [model_.layers[layer_idx].output, model_.output])
    conv_out, model_out = cam_model_(x)

    cam_images_ = np.zeros((x.shape[0], img_size[0], img_size[1]))

    for i, outs in enumerate(zip(conv_out, model_out)):
        c_out, m_out = outs
        predict_idx = np.argmax(m_out)
        chosen_weight = model_.layers[-1].weights[0][:, predict_idx]

        cam_img_ = np.zeros(c_out.shape[0:2])

        for j in range(c_out.shape[2]):
            cam_img_ += c_out[:, :, j] * chosen_weight[j]

        cam_images_[i] = cv2.resize(cam_img_.numpy(), img_size)

    return cam_images_